Western Connecticut Orienteering Club (WCOC)
Permanent Courses
WCOC currently maintains two permanent courses, one located on the Five Ponds map (part of White Memorial Foundation property) in Litchfield, CT, and the other at Hurd State Park in East Hampton, CT. The locations for a permanent course are marked by 6" orange and white markers attached to trees near the control features. In addition to a map showing just the control locations, there are also maps for 3 courses, a long, medium, and short, designed using the permanent markers.
To use a course, download a map below (pdf format) and print it in color. Generally, marker locations on or close to trails will be easier to navigate to than ones farther from trails. The Five Ponds courses have locations closer to trails and will therefore be better for beginners. For descriptions of the feature locations ("clues") in English, see the Five Ponds Permanent course map and the Hurd English Clue Descriptions document. For more information about permanent courses, see the OUSA website page for permanent courses.
Many of the permanent course maps don't include a legend for the map symbols. This document contains our standard map legend. Also, people new to the sport will have difficulty understanding the clue sheet symbols, which specific the feature each control flag is on. For descriptions of these symbols, click the PDF below.
Five Ponds Courses, Litchfield, CT: Parking/Start Location: https://goo.gl/maps/iAhNr6NDnVps7YtW9
Hurd State Park Courses, East Hampton, CT; Note that these are intermediate to advanced courses. Do not attempt to do them unless you have experience doing at least orange level courses. Parking/Start Location: https://goo.gl/maps/zMevARY3ZoUP7maYA